Replace './' with '/home/' in file

I have been looking for a way to do this with sed and awk but could not get the results I need. I have a single file with multiple lines in which I need to replace a './' with '/home/'.

For example:./tmp/1.jpg
Should become:/home/tmp/1.jpg
Any help is apprecaited!

sed 's/\./\/home/g' file > newfile

Devaraj Takhellambam

This is where I got stuck with sed and moved onto awk...

Using your suggestion took this source:
And generated the following output:
This removed the first '/' and replaced the second instance of the '.' (replacing the second instance of '.' with 'home'). I need to replace './' with '/home/' or a longer directory like '/home/username/'.

Try This ...

sed "s/\.\/tmp/\/home\/tmp/g" filename > newfile

That actually didn't have any effect... :confused:

Ah, I didn't notice the . extension. you can searc for ./ and replace it with /home/

sed 's/\.\//\/home\//g' filename > outfile


sed 's/^\.\//\/home\//g' filename > outfile

Devaraj Takhellambam

echo './tmp/1.jpg' | sed 's#^[.]#/home#'

Can you briefly explain this? I don't understand what prevents this from replacing all instances of '.'.

devtakh, although it took me a minute to figure out how to use this witha longer path, it works very well. Thank you!

echo './tmp/1.jpg' | sed 's#^[.]#/home#'

'^' signifies 'the beginning of a line.

But removing the ^ still only replaces the first instance?

Lastly, I'm trying to remove the 1.jpg and just leave /home/tmp/, but I am not able to acheive this doing the following:

echo '/home/1.jpg' | sed 's#/*[.]jpg##'

I am left with the trailing '1'.

if you have Python, here's an alternative

import fileinput
for line in fileinput.FileInput("file",inplace=1):
    if line.startswith("./"):
        print line.replace("./","/home/")


# ./
echo '/home/1.jpg' | sed 's#\(.*\)/.*$#\1#'