Replace single quote with two single quotes in perl

Hi I want to replace single quote with two single quotes in a perl string.
If the string is <It's Simpson's book> It should become <It''s Simpson''s book>

echo "<It's Simpson's book>" | sed "s/'/''/g"
<It''s Simpson''s book>
perl -e '$p="<It'"'"'s Simpson'"'"'s book>";$p=~s/'"'"'/'"''"'/g;print $p,"\n";'

Thanks Pravin and Tene. I did not want to use sed inside perl script. By looking at Pravin's post I figured out the solution.
If the string is

It's  Simpson's book

And I want it to become like

It''s  Simpson''s book

And if the first string was stored in a variable $var then I used the foll code:

$var=~ s/\'/\'\'/g;

And it worked.
Thank you all. :slight_smile: