Replace integer string in a variable based on month?

Hi Folks -

Linux Version = Linux 2.6.39-400.128.17.el5uek x86_64

I have a process that determines the start and end load periods for an Oracle data load process.

The variables used are as follows follows:

They are populated like such:

However, the load requires the month to be the 3 digit format rather than number format. Therefore, to get around it, I am using a cut methodology but I w wondering if I'm over complicating things and there is an easier way?

GetLoadPOVValues () {
    #::-- Usage --::#
        # Param 1 = Required Year digits [i.e. 2 or 4]
        # Param 2 = Number of periods to load [i.e. YTD or 1 or 2 etc]
        # Examples are based on a November 2018 run-time
        # Example = GetLoadPOVValues "2" "1" says use 2 digit year [18] and _STARTPOV & _ENDPOV are the same [Oct-2018] since loading only 1 month
        # Example = GetLoadPOVValues "4" "YTD" says use 4 digit year [2018] and _STARTPOV is Jan-2018 and _ENDPOV is Oct-2018
    _DIGIT="$1"; [ "${_DIGIT}" -eq "2" ] && _YR="y" || _YR="Y"
    if ! [[ "${_NUMPD}" =~ "${_REGEXP}" ]]
        _STARTPOV="1-$(date +%${_YR})"
        _STARTPOV=`date -d "$(date +%Y-%m-1) -${_NUMPD} month" +%-m-%${_YR}`
    _ENDPOV=`date -d "$(date +%Y-%m-1) -1 month" +%-m-%${_YR}`
    _M="$( cut -d '-' -f 1 <<< "$_ENDPOV" )"; GetMonth "${_M}"; _YR="$( cut -d '-' -f 2 <<< "$_ENDPOV" )"; _ENDPOV="${_M}-${_YR}"
    _M="$( cut -d '-' -f 1 <<< "$_STARTPOV" )"; GetMonth "${_M}"; _YR="$( cut -d '-' -f 2 <<< "$_STARTPOV" )"; _STARTPOV="${_M}-${_YR}"


GetMonth () {
    [[ "${_NUM}" == "01" ]] && _M="Jan" || [[ "${_NUM}" == "1" ]]  && _M="Jan"
    [[ "${_NUM}" == "02" ]] && _M="Feb" || [[ "${_NUM}" == "2" ]]  && _M="Feb"
    [[ "${_NUM}" == "03" ]] && _M="Mar" || [[ "${_NUM}" == "3" ]]  && _M="Mar"
    [[ "${_NUM}" == "04" ]] && _M="Apr" || [[ "${_NUM}" == "4" ]]  && _M="Apr"
    [[ "${_NUM}" == "05" ]] && _M="May" || [[ "${_NUM}" == "5" ]]  && _M="May"
    [[ "${_NUM}" == "06" ]] && _M="Jun" || [[ "${_NUM}" == "6" ]]  && _M="Jun"
    [[ "${_NUM}" == "07" ]] && _M="Jul" || [[ "${_NUM}" == "7" ]]  && _M="Jul"
    [[ "${_NUM}" == "08" ]] && _M="Aug" || [[ "${_NUM}" == "8" ]]  && _M="Aug"
    [[ "${_NUM}" == "09" ]] && _M="Sep" || [[ "${_NUM}" == "9" ]]  && _M="Sep"
    [[ "${_NUM}" == "10" ]] && _M="Oct"
    [[ "${_NUM}" == "11" ]] && _M="Nov"
    [[ "${_NUM}" == "12" ]] && _M="Dec"

GetLoadPOVValues "2" "2"

Thank you!!

_MONTHS=(nul Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec)

Same for _ENDPOV

The 'nul' is there as arrays index from zero, otherwise you will have to subtract one from the index of months.

I don't think you need to worry about a zero prefix as your code seems to be ensuring the month numbers are not padded by zero or space, but if I'm wrong, use this instead:

_MONTHS=(nul Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec)

If you want to change your month names depending on your locale, consider using this for your month array:

_MONTHS=( nul $(locale abmon|tr ';' ' '))


Your function could be boiled down to

GLP()   { IFS=";" T=($(locale abmon))
          IFS=- read EM EY <<< $(date -d "$(date +%Y-%m-1) -1 month" +%-m-%Y)
          IFS=- read SM SY <<< $(date -d "$(date +%Y-%m-1) -$(($2+0?$2:EM)) month" +%-m-%Y)

$ GLP 4 2
$ echo $_STARTPOV, $_ENDPOV;
Sep-2018, Okt-2018
$ echo $_STARTPOV, $_ENDPOV;
 Jan-2018, Okt-2018
$ echo $_STARTPOV, $_ENDPOV;
Jan-18, Okt-18

You might want to add some error checking, though.

Thank you, Rudi!!

I'm however getting the following errors:

Unfortunately, there is no line 81 nor line 82 in my proposal.

Hi Rudi -

Sorry, these are the line.

Hmmm - how do you expect people to debug any code without giving any context? What's your code? How is it called? What's the contents of the local / temporary variables? What's your shell version?

Rudi -

I'm literally using your code you gave me. Version in first post.

Linux Version = Linux 2.6.39-400.128.17.el5uek x86_64


GLP() { 
    IFS=";" T=($(locale abmon))
    IFS=- read EM EY <<< $(date -d "$(date +%Y-%m-1) -1 month" +%-m-%Y)
    IFS=- read SM SY <<< $(date -d "$(date +%Y-%m-1) -$(($2+0?$2:EM)) month" +%-m-%Y)

GLP "2" "2"

echo $_ENDPOV

Run with -x (xtrace) option set. What's your shell version?

Hi Rudi -

It's as follows:


------ Post updated at 11:49 AM ------

Interestingly enough, it works fine on this version of shell:

Any thoughts?

Yes - 3.2.25(1) is too old.

:frowning: Thank you.