Replace directory paths in multiple files at once

I need to update about 2400 files in a directory subtree, with a new directory path inside the files

I need to change this occurence in all files: /d2/R12AB/VIS/apps/tech_st/10.1.2

with this: /u01/PROD/apps/apps_st/10.1.3

I know how to change single words using "find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i 's/old_word/new_word/g'", but I've never worked with replacing multiple words at once.

what is the your all words?
for exa : old_word --> new_word
and the others ?

I need to replace this string in all files: /d2/R12AB/VIS/apps/tech_st/10.1.2

with this new string: /u01/PROD/apps/apps_st/10.1.3

find . -type f -print0|while read -r file; do 
sed 's|/d2/R12AB/VIS/apps/tech_st/10.1.2|/u01/PROD/apps/apps_st/10.1.3|g' $file > ${file}.tmp && mv -f ${file}.tmp $file

Thank you, I've tested this limiting it only to .sh files , but it don't seem to do anything:

[root@rh5u8-ebs1206 tmp]# grep R12AB *.sh | wc -l
[root@rh5u8-ebs1206 tmp]# find . -type f -name '*.sh' -print0|while read -r file; do 
> sed 's|/d2/R12AB/ab/apps/FINVIS19/apps/tech_st/10.1.2|/u01/PROD/apps/apps_st/10.1.2|g' $file > ${file}.tmp && mv -f ${file}.tmp $file
> done
[root@rh5u8-ebs1206 tmp]# grep R12AB *.sh | wc -l
[root@rh5u8-ebs1206 tmp]# grep u01 *.sh | wc -l
[root@rh5u8-ebs1206 tmp]# grep '/d2/R12AB/ab/apps/FINVIS19/apps/tech_st/10.1.2' *.sh | wc -l
[root@rh5u8-ebs1206 tmp]#

remove the "-print0"

find . -name '*.sh' -type f|while read -r file; do 
sed 's|/d2/R12AB/VIS/apps/tech_st/10.1.2|/u01/PROD/apps/apps_st/10.1.3|g' $file > ${file}.tmp && mv -f ${file}.tmp $file

Thank you, removing the "-print0" did the trick. Much appreciated.