Replace character in a file.

I have a data like this in a file.


I want replace the date(1st column) of all records.

Ex: 05/08/2017 to 04/02/2017

Homework and coursework questions can only be posted in the homework & coursework forum under special homework rules.

If you did not post homework, please explain the company you work for and the nature of the problem you are working on. What you have requested can easily be done with any standard UNIX or UNIX-like system editor like ed , ex , sed , or vi , with a shell while read loop containing a printf or echo statement, or with dozens of other utilities. In all of these cases, knowing what operating system you're using, what shell you're using, and what utilities you are used to using and the sizes of the file(s) you'll be processing would all be useful information.

If you did post homework in the main forums, please review the guidelines for posting homework and repost.