Replace a space with underscore in a file

i have a file with following data.

EqName        "Tan 1"


EqName        "Sin 2"

I have to replace the value of EqName to Tan_1 and Sin_2 in file.Can i use sed or awk ?

cat file|grep EqName|awk '{print $2 $3}'|sed -i 's//_/g' 

I tried with this but it shows

sed: no input files

Can anyone help me?

There is (as is always the case) a number of ways of doing this. Here's one with awk:

awk -F'"' '/EqName/ { sub(" ", "_", $2) }1' file
EqName         Tan_1


EqName         Sin_2

And one way with sed:

sed -i '/EqName/{s/\(.*\) /\1_/}' file
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Thanks a ton !!!.It worked