Replace a particular pattern in a file

Hi ,
I have a requirement where i have this file



I need to replace $$pqr from 456 to a new value which will be present in a variable to me.
I am not aware of sed and awk functionality.
Can somebody please show me how to replace this 456 with a new value .

perl -e -pi s/456/'$var'/g infile

If pqr can have any numeric value you can use:

sed 's/\(^$$pqr=\)[0-9][0-9]*$/\1'"$VAR"'/' infile

alternative in sed..

sed '/$$pqr/s/[0-9]\+/'$VAR'/' inputfile > outfile

And another one with awk:

awk -v var=$variable -F= '/\$\$pqr/{$2=var}1' OFS=\= infile
sed '/$$pqr=/'"s/=.*/=$var/" infile
sed "/\$\$pqr=/s/=.*/=$var/" infile

Or using Perl -

$ cat f42
$ typeset -x VAR="999"
$ # Perl one-liner to substitute the value
$ perl -lne 'if (/^(\$\$pqr=).*/){print $1,$ENV{"VAR"}} else {print}' f42
