Repeat a command for one sec

How to repeat the execution of a simple command like the following for 1 sec ?
echo Hi

The completion time for the command is not known, but we need to calculate the number of times this commans executes successfully within 1 sec.


Fork a thread and kill the thread after sleeping for 1 sec in the parent, in the provided example the command produces measurable contents that allow the number of runs to be counted.

This sounds to homework-esque to provide implementation details.

@Skrynesaver : Sounds latin n greek to me !!!!! :confused:
I dont really have any significant knowledge about FORKS
Are there any reference manuals that may be helpful in this regard ?


I interpret your question this way - You have a need to execute a command continuously for X seconds and find out how many times the command runs successfuly within that period of X seconds. And you have X as 1 now.

Below is one approach but consider the execution time of these extra commands - date, if $? -eq 0 - which may consume some extra time if you want to measure the performance of your command.

CURR_SECS=$(date +%s)
while $CURR_SECS -lt $CURR_SECS + 1
  echo Hi
  if [ $? -eq 0 ]
  CURR_SECS=$(date +%s)

Note: This is not tested and might have syntax errors.

I believe there are few changes needed. This will definitely get into a infinite loop due to highlighted lines :slight_smile:

May be you have to set a variable for the next second :wink:

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Yes, I meant to store


in a variable. Thanks for pointing out.