Renaming Multiple Files in FTP Server

Hi Friends,

I have a requirement to get multiple files from ftp(remote) server and once the files is copied to local machine , I need to move the files on to a different directory in ftp machine.

FTP Machine : 9.9.999.999
Source File Directory : /ftpuser
File Pattern: TMS*

Now I have written script to login as ftpuser in remote machine and I did
mget TMS* <Local Directory>

Next step I need to move all the files of pattern TMS* to /ftpuser/processed directory.

Rename is allowing me to move one file at a time. How to rename multiple files in remote machine.

Rename with wildcard is not working, please let me know how we can achieve it.

Your help is highly appreciated.


FTP does not have this functionality. You may have to get a list of files and process it to generate many 'rename' commands.

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