Renaming folders


I'm new to unix and I have to rename all folder fron the current folder from a name like "xx - Name of the Folder" to "Name of the Folder - xx".

xx is a number ...

Can somebody, please, help?

Thank you!

ls -l | awk ' /^d/ { print $NF } ' |
sed "s/^\([0-9]*\)\(.*\)/mv & \2\1/" | sh

What about if folder name contains, spaces?

find . -type d -print | sed -e "s;\./\([^/]*\).*;\1;" -e "s/^\([0-9]*\)\(.*\)/mv \"&\" \"\2\1\"/" | sh

With zsh (and if zmv is available for your zsh):

autoload zmv
zmv '(*) - (*)' '$2 - $1'


Thak's but the line seems to be a little wrong: "mv: cannot access 2005 - Broken Flowers" ..

Don't know why... I'm root on this session...

Or more portably:

for i in [0-9]*;do # adjust the globbing for your needs
  mv "$i" "${i#*- } - ${i% -*}"