Renaming a filename

Hi friends ,

i want to change the filename as below

expected output : ABC_HYND_JDHD_20130125.txt

i have tried using awk but not able to procedd futher. i am trying to do the above in single commad.

echo "ABC_HYND_JDHD_20130125120345.txt" | awk -F"." '{ x=$1;y=$2}'

plz help

$ echo $filename | nawk -v OFS=_ -F_ '$NF=substr($NF,1,8)".txt"'
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echo "ABC_HYND_JDHD_20130125120345.txt" | sed 's/[0-9]\{6\}\.txt/.txt/'


echo ${filename/[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9].txt/.txt}
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@itkamaraj , @ bala.. Thank you so much . It works as expected. :slight_smile: