Renaming a file and keep the extension of file as it is


I am trying to rename multiple filenames in a UNIX directory matching a specific condition.

for file in `ls $filename`
   echo "$file"
   #echo $i
   i=`expr $i + 1`
  mv $src_dir/${file} $src_dir/${file}_${i}

But this code renames the filenames and adds a 1,2,3 to the end of filename after the extension like XXASD.txt_1, XXARD.txt_2 and so on.

What I am trying is to add the value of i i.e. 1,2,3 before the extn like XXASD_1.txt, XXARD_2.txt and so on.

I read abt the cut command but dint quite understand the usage of it in my case.

Thanks in advance all of you for your help.

Chetan Vyas

for file in `ls $filename`
   echo "$file"
   #echo $i
   i=`expr $i + 1`
   newName=`basename $file .txt`
  mv $src_dir/${file} $src_dir/${newName}_${i}.txt

dont use ls in the below line

for file in `ls $filename`

if you want to replace all the files under your src_dir then use it like

for file in *
% ls 
XXARD.txt  XXASD.txt
% c=1 
% for f in *.txt; do       
  _b=${f%.*} _e=${f#$_b}
  mv -- "$f" "${_b}_$c$_e"
  c=$(( c + 1 ))
% ls 
XXARD_1.txt  XXASD_2.txt

Hi itkamaraj,

Actually, the value passed to $filename will be like XX*.txt, XX*.dat etc, so hard-coding .txt is not an option.

Can we make it dynamic based upon the filename passed?


Is it comma seperated ?

what is the output of echo $filename ?

The value passed to $filename parameter will be like - XX*.txt / XXGT*.dat etc.

so, is $filename will have only one filename ?

No, all filenames in the folder matching to XX*.txt condtion like XXABC.txt, XXXYZ.txt etc. I hope now the requirement is clear to you?

for file in XX*.txt
   echo "$file"
   #echo $i
   i=`expr $i + 1`
   newName=`basename $file .txt`
  mv $src_dir/${file} $src_dir/${newName}_${i}.txt

It can have many filenames matching to XX*.txt / XX*.dat conditions.