Rename file using partial match to another

In the below I am trying to rename the contents within each data subfolder in a specific run, based on a partial match of the IonCode_0000_ in each file in the data subdirectory to $1 in f1 . There will be multiple runs in f1 but each run in $uniq is unique and will be found in f1 and the rename values stored in $string . The below code is commented as to what I think is going on. Thank you :).


IonCode_0404 00-0000-xxx-xxx-xxx
IonCode_0402 11-1111-yy-yy-yyy

IonCode_0402 22-2222-zz-zzzz-zzz

IonCode_0404 10-0000-aa-aa-aa
IonCode_0412 55-1111-bb-bbb-bbb
      data   --- sub-folder ---
for run in "$dir"/R_2019* ; do  ## # matching "R_2019*" to operate on desired directory and expand
  uniq=${run##*/}  ## store run with no path as s5
  cd "$dir"/"$uniq"/data  ## change directory to subfolder
   string=$(awk -F '\n' -v RS="" -v ref="$uniq" '$0 ~ ref {d=split($0, val, " "); for(i=2;i<d;i+=2) printf "%s ",val; printf "\n"}' "$dir"/f1)  ## loop through f1 for unique run and store $2 in string
   for $f in "$dir"/"$s5"/data/*.bam* ; do sample_basename=$(basename "${f}") ;
     rename_file_path="$string" ## define rename string
     cmd=$(sed -n "/$f/,/IonCode_[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]_*/{s/\(.*\.bam\) \(.*\)/mv \1 \2/g}" $rename_file_path)  ## rename file in data subfolder matching IonCode_ to f1 and replacing with $2 of f1

desired in data


You were pretty close on this. I used a here-string ( <<< ) piped into a while read block. As we want to change directories in the loop using a sub shell ensures the pwd is reset after each rename loop.

change echo mv in red below to mv if you are happy with what it's doing

for run in "$dir"/R_2019* ; do  ## # matching "R_2019*" to operate on desired directory and expand
  uniq=${run##*/}  ## store run with no path as s5
  while read from to
       cd "$dir"/"$uniq"/data
       for file in *.bam*
          [ -f "$file" ] && [ "$newname" != "$file" ] && echo mv "$file" "$newname"
  done <<<$(
     awk -F '\n' -v RS="" -v ref="$uniq" '
         $0 ~ ref {
             d=split($0, val);
             for(i=1;i<d;i++) print val;
          }' "$dir"/f1
  )  ## loop through f1 for unique run and populate from and to
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Looks like the last file in the directory is getting renamed with both matching not the unique. Is another loop needed or all the values on one line instead of separate? Thank you :).

mv IonCode_0404_xxx.xxx_xxx.bam 00-0000-xxx-xxx-xxx IonCode_0402 11-1111-yy-yy-yyy_xxx.xxx_xxx.bam
mv IonCode_0404_xxx.xxx_xxx.bam.bai 00-0000-xxx-xxx-xxx IonCode_0402 11-1111-yy-yy-yyy_xxx.xxx_xxx.bam.bai


11-1111-yy-yy-yyy_test.bam   ---- this is IonCode_0402_xxx.xxx_xxx ---
11-1111-yy-yy-yyy_test.bam.bai   ---- this is IonCode_0402_xxx.xxx_xxx ---
00-0000-xxx-xxx-xxx_test.bam   ---- this is IonCode_0404_xxx.xxx_xxx ---
00-0000-xxx-xxx-xxx_test.bam.bai ---- this is IonCode_0404_xxx.xxx_xxx ---

It looks a bit complicated.
Perhaps you want to do the following?

while read a b c
  if [ -n "$b" ]
  elif [ -z "$a" ]
    while [ $ind -gt 0 ]
      echo "In $dir/$a/data/ rename ${fsearch[ind]}*.bam* to ${mvto[ind]}_test.bam*" 
done < $dir/f1
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What do you want to happen here? f1 requires that IonCode_0404 in directory *127* be renamed to both 10-0000-aa-aa-aa and 00-0000-xxx-xxx-xxx . Is this a mistake in the data file or how should the script handle this?

Change the newname assignment to this newname=${file/$from*.bam/${to}_test.bam}

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Looks like only one pair gets renamed with both values: Thank you :).

4 original files:



00-0000-xxx-xxx-xxx IonCode_0402 11-1111-yy-yy-yyy_test.bam.bam
00-0000-xxx-xxx-xxx IonCode_0402 11-1111-yy-yy-yyy_test.bam.bam.bai

Desired after rename:

11-1111-yy-yy-yyy_test.bam   ---- this is IonCode_0402_xxx.xxx_xxx ---
11-1111-yy-yy-yyy_test.bam.bai   ---- this is IonCode_0402_xxx.xxx_xxx ---
00-0000-xxx-xxx-xxx_test.bam   ---- this is IonCode_0404_xxx.xxx_xxx ---
00-0000-xxx-xxx-xxx_test.bam.bai ---- this is IonCode_0404_xxx.xxx_xxx ---

I further qualified my question (see #5 above) - this appears to be a problem with the data file.

If the actual renames were done instead of echo, only the first match would apply as the file would then have a different name and the 2nd rename would not be attempted. Red lines will not occur as file has already be renamed on lines 1 and 2:

$ ./cmccabe_rename 
mv IonCode_0404_xxx.xxx_xxx.bam 00-0000-xxx-xxx-xxx_test.bam
mv IonCode_0404_xxx.xxx_xxx.bam.bai 00-0000-xxx-xxx-xxx_test.bam.bai
mv IonCode_0402_xxx.xxx_xxx.bam 11-1111-yy-yy-yyy_test.bam
mv IonCode_0402_xxx.xxx_xxx.bam.bai 11-1111-yy-yy-yyy_test.bam.bai
mv IonCode_0404_xxx.xxx_xxx.bam 10-0000-aa-aa-aa_test.bam
mv IonCode_0404_xxx.xxx_xxx.bam.bai 10-0000-aa-aa-aa_test.bam.bai
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I'm not sure I understand completly but in f1 the same IonCode may appear multiple times. However, the value in uniq is always unique and the each IonCode above each uniq unill the newline in f1 will be found in the data as a pair. That is in f1 IonCode_0404 but in data IonCode_0404.bam and IonCode_0404.bam.bai . In f1 IonCode_0402 but in data IonCode_0402.bam and IonCode_0402.bam.bai.
Both IonCode pairs are renamed with the $2 values from each matching IonCode above uniq with _test after it. Thank you very much :).

That is not the case in the demo f1 from post #1 red uniq is duplicated:

IonCode_0404 00-0000-xxx-xxx-xxx
IonCode_0402 11-1111-yy-yy-yyy

IonCode_0402 22-2222-zz-zzzz-zzz

IonCode_0404 10-0000-aa-aa-aa
IonCode_0412 55-1111-bb-bbb-bbb
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My apologies, I have corected the typo in post 1 and here as well. All 3 uniq values in f1 will always be different I just transcribed them wrong. Line 3 (the duplicate) will never be there (computers make less mistakes) . Thank you :).

IonCode_0404 00-0000-xxx-xxx-xxx
IonCode_0402 11-1111-yy-yy-yyy

IonCode_0402 22-2222-zz-zzzz-zzz

IonCode_0404 10-0000-aa-aa-aa
IonCode_0412 55-1111-bb-bbb-bbb

I put an echo "These are the files:" $file statement and the files in data before the script executes are:

These are the files: IonCode_0402_xxx.xxx_xxx.bam
These are the files: IonCode_0402_xxx.xxx_xxx.bam.bai
These are the files: IonCode_0404_xxx.xxx_xxx.bam
These are the files: IonCode_0404_xxx.xxx_xxx.bam.bai

after the script executes:

00-0000-xxx-xxx-xxx IonCode_0402 11-1111-yy-yy-yyy IonCode_0402 22-2222-zz-zzzz-zzz IonCode_0404 10-0000-aa-aa-aa IonCode_0412 55-1111-bb-bbb-bbb_test.bam
00-0000-xxx-xxx-xxx IonCode_0402 11-1111-yy-yy-yyy IonCode_0402 22-2222-zz-zzzz-zzz IonCode_0404 10-0000-aa-aa-aa IonCode_0412 55-1111-bb-bbb-bbb_test.bam.bai

Thank you :).

Don't know what that "after the script executes" is showing. Are your filenames ending up with spaces in the etc. like shown above?

Here is the script I'm using:

for run in "$dir"/R_2019* ; do  ## # matching "R_2019*" to operate on desired directory and expand
  uniq=${run##*/}  ## store run with no path as s5
  while read from to
       cd "$dir"/"$uniq"/data
       for file in *.bam*
          [ -f "$file" ] && [ "$newname" != "$file" ] && mv "$file" "$newname"
  done <<<$(
     awk -F '\n' -v RS="" -v ref="$uniq" '
         $0 ~ ref {
             d=split($0, val);
             for(i=1;i<d;i++) print val;
          }' "$dir"/f1
  )  ## loop through f1 for unique run and populate from and to

And here is my test:

$ find /path/to/run -type f -print
$ ./cmccabe_rename 
$ find /path/to/run -type f -print
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After the rename scripts runs then only one pair of the files is renamed with both values in it, with a space in between. This is shown in the above, but im not sure why. Your output looks good. Thank you :).

Here is what I get:

with echo mv

mv IonCode_0402_xxx.xxx_xxx.bam _test.bam
mv IonCode_0402_xxx.xxx_xxx.bam.bai _test.bam.bai
mv IonCode_0404_xxx.xxx_xxx.bam _test.bam
mv IonCode_0404_xxx.xxx_xxx.bam.bai _test.bam.bai

with mv


Thank you :).

Are you using bash shell? Can you post output with this additional debugging:

for run in "$dir"/R_2019* ; do  ## # matching "R_2019*" to operate on desired directory and expand
  uniq=${run##*/}  ## store run with no path as s5
  while read from to
       cd "$dir"/"$uniq"/data
       echo "Rename from:$from to:$to"
       for file in *.bam*
          [ -f "$file" ] && [ "$newname" != "$file" ] && echo mv "$file" "$newname"
  done <<<$(
     awk -F '\n' -v RS="" -v ref="$uniq" '
         $0 ~ ref {
             d=split($0, val);
             for(i=1;i<d;i++) print val;
          }' "$dir"/f1
  )  ## loop through f1 for unique run and populate from and to

Here is how this looks with my setup:

$ ./cmccabe_rename 
Rename from:IonCode_0404 to:10-0000-aa-aa-aa
Rename from:IonCode_0412 to:55-1111-bb-bbb-bbb
Rename from:IonCode_0402 to:22-2222-zz-zzzz-zzz
mv IonCode_0402_xxx.xxx_xxx.bam 22-2222-zz-zzzz-zzz_test.bam
mv IonCode_0402_xxx.xxx_xxx.bam.bai 22-2222-zz-zzzz-zzz_test.bam.bai
Rename from:IonCode_0404 to:00-0000-xxx-xxx-xxx
mv IonCode_0404_xxx.xxx_xxx.bam 00-0000-xxx-xxx-xxx_test.bam
mv IonCode_0404_xxx.xxx_xxx.bam.bai 00-0000-xxx-xxx-xxx_test.bam.bai
Rename from:IonCode_0402 to:11-1111-yy-yy-yyy
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Here is the output, yes I am using bash shell. Thank you :).

 with echo
Rename from: to:
mv IonCode_0402_xxx.xxx_xxx.bam _test.bam
mv IonCode_0402_xxx.xxx_xxx.bam.bai _test.bam.bai
mv IonCode_0404_xxx.xxx_xxx.bam _test.bam
mv IonCode_0404_xxx.xxx_xxx.bam.bai _test.bam.bai

Files in directory to rename

total 8
drwxr--r-- 2 cmccabe cmccabe 4096 Oct 28 09:59 ./
drwxr--r-- 3 cmccabe cmccabe 4096 Oct 28 08:12 ../
-rw-rw-r-- 1 cmccabe cmccabe    0 Oct 28 09:56 IonCode_0404_xxx_xxx_xxx.bam
-rw-rw-r-- 1 cmccabe cmccabe    0 Oct 28 09:58 IonCode_0404_xxx_xxx_xxx.bam.bai
-rw-rw-r-- 1 cmccabe cmccabe    0 Oct 28 09:50 IonCode_0402_xxx_xxx_xxx.bam
-rw-rw-r-- 1 cmccabe cmccabe    0 Oct 28 09:54 IonCode_0402_xxx_xxx_xxx.bam.bai

without echo in the code only one pair of files gets renamed with both values

total 8
drwxr--r-- 2 cmccabe cmccabe 4096 Oct 28 09:59 ./
drwxr--r-- 3 cmccabe cmccabe 4096 Oct 28 08:12 ../
-rw-rw-r-- 1 cmccabe cmccabe    0 Oct 28 09:56 00-0000-xxx-xxx-xxx IonCode_0402 11-1111-yy-yy-yyy_test.bam
-rw-rw-r-- 1 cmccabe cmccabe    0 Oct 28 09:58 00-0000-xxx-xxx-xxx IonCode_0402 11-1111-yy-yy-yyy_test.bam.bai
-rw-rw-r-- 1 cmccabe cmccabe    0 Oct 28 09:50 IonCode_0402_xxx_xxx_xxx.bam
-rw-rw-r-- 1 cmccabe cmccabe    0 Oct 28 09:54 IonCode_0402_xxx_xxx_xxx.bam.bai

I suspect you have some corruption in the format of the f1 file. Perhaps it has been edited with a DOS editor or something like that.

Can you post here the output of od -c /path/to/run/f1

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Here is the output of od -c /path/to/f1 . Thank you :).

0000000   I   o   n   C   o   d   e   _   0   4   0   4       0   0   -
0000020   0   0   0   0   -   x   x   x   -   x   x   x   -   x   x   x
0000040  \n   I   o   n   C   o   d   e   _   0   4   0   2       1   1
0000060   -   1   1   1   1   -   y   y   -   y   y   -   y   y   y  \n
0000100   R   _   2   0   1   9   _   0   0   _   0   0   _   0   0   _
0000120   0   0   _   0   0   _   x   x   x   x   _   x   x   1   -   1
0000140   2   7   -   x   x   x   _   x   x   x   _   x   x   x   _   x
0000160   x   x   _   x   x   _   x   x   _   x   x  \n  \n   I   o   n
0000200   C   o   d   e   _   0   4   0   2       2   2   -   2   2   2
0000220   2   -   z   z   -   z   z   z   z   -   z   z   z  \n   R   _
0000240   2   0   1   9   _   0   0   _   0   0   _   0   0   _   0   0
0000260   _   0   0   _   x   x   x   x   _   x   x   1   -   1   2   6
0000300   -   x   x   x   _   x   x   x   _   x   x   x   _   x   x   x
0000320   _   x   x   _   x   x   _   x   x  \n  \n   I   o   n   C   o
0000340   d   e   _   0   4   0   4       1   0   -   0   0   0   0   -
0000360   a   a   -   a   a   -   a   a  \n   I   o   n   C   o   d   e
0000400   _   0   4   1   2       5   5   -   1   1   1   1   -   b   b
0000420   -   b   b   b   -   b   b   b  \n   R   _   2   0   1   9   _
0000440   0   0   _   0   0   _   0   0   _   0   0   _   0   0   _   x
0000460   x   x   x   _   x   x   1   -   1   2   0   -   x   x   x   _
0000500   x   x   x   _   x   x   x   _   x   x   x   _   x   x   _   x
0000520   x   _   x   x  \n

Nothing wrong with the data file, it matches what I'm using here byte-for-byte. Can you post the script you are using?

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I pass run_dir as an argument instead of hardcoding dir . I think that is the only difference. I made that change to make it easier for others. Thank you :slight_smile:

for run in "$run_dir" ; do  ## # grab run to operate on desired directory
   uniq=${run_dir##*/}  ## store run with no path as uniq
while read from to
       cd "$run_dir"/bam
       echo "Rename from:$from to:$to"
       for file in *.bam*
          [ -f "$file" ] && [ "$newname" != "$file" ] && mv "$file" "$newname"
  done <<<$(
     awk -F '\n' -v RS="" -v ref="$uniq" '
         $0 ~ ref {
             d=split($0, val);
             for(i=1;i<d;i++) print val;
          }' "$run_dir"/f1
  )  ## loop through f1 for unique run and populate from and to