rename file extension

I am trying for loop to rename file extension from .txt to .html :

as below :

for i in *.txt; do mv "$i" `basename $i`.html; done

But this renames a file file1.txt as file1.txt.html

anyone know how get avoid .html added after .txt ?

it should rename file.txt as file.html and not file.txt.html

Thanks in advance

The basename command gives the string after the last slash, try this:

for i in *.txt; do mv "$i" "${i%.txt}".html; done

Dear Franklin

what does this part "${i%.txt}".html mean ? the i% spesifically ?


Thanks Franklin!

Yahyaa - its a pattern defined to exclude changes before .txt - "${i%.txt}".

Franklin - correct if i am wrong ...

It strips the shortest match of ".txt" from back of $i.
Have a read of this tutorial regarding manipulating strings
