Removing special char's with sed

I've a txt file which contains the following kind of listed data

18971 ./aosrp18.r
15340 ./aosrp12.r
22996 ./aosrp08.r
17125 ./aosrp06.r

I'm trying to get rid of the ./ in the file and have tried the following with sed but I'm not getting the correct result... I'm not sure what way it's supposed to be written

cat rcode_list_2010_B.txt | sed s'/[./]//' > rcode_list_2010_C.txt
cat q1_rcode_list_c.txt | sed s'/[./]//g' > q1_rcode_list_d.txt
cat rcode_list_2010_B.txt | sed s'/\./\' > rcode_list_2010_C.txt

Can someone point me in the right direction?

try this

cat rcode_list_2010_B.txt |sed 's+[./]++g' > rcode_list_2010_C.txt

Hmmm. that almost worked.. Now instead I have

18971 aosrp18r
15340 aosrp12r
22996 aosrp08r
17125 aosrp06r

It got rid of the .r which i need

Using character "X" instead of "/" as the delimiter in sed and protecting the "."

sed -e "sX\./XXg"

That left me with no space between the size and name


EDIT: Seen what the issue was with that one, human error!! Thanks for your help guys..

This should also work:

sed 's/\.\///g' file.txt


sed 's!./!!' file

Fixing your iriginal sed script

sed s'/[.][/]//g'

in your original script you say "search for a dot OR slash and replace with nothing"
in this version it says "serach for a dot AND slash and replace cith nothing"