Removing page space

I having problem removing a page space....

  1. When I list the page spaces available in the system, I am getting the following messages

0516-310 : Unable to find attribute state in the Device
Configuration Database. Execute synclvodm to attempt to
correct the database.
0516-010 : Volume group must be varied on; use varyonvg command.
Page Space Physical Volume Volume Group Size %Used Active Auto Type
paging01 vpath0 vgSAN-fclab48 1024MB 4 yes yes lv
hd6 hdisk0 rootvg 512MB 18 yes yes lv

  1. Top two errors are corresponds to page space "pagelv00". When I tried to remove this pagelv00, I get the following message:

0516-306 getlvodm: Unable to find volume group old_rootvg in the Device
Configuration Database.
0516-912 rmlv: Unable to remove logical volume pagelv00.
rmps: Cannot remove paging space pagelv00.

  1. Per above message, this logical volume (page space) is associated with "old_rootvg" volume group. But this volume group does not exist. Also I was not able to create one with this volume group name "old_rootvg" in order to remove the page space "pagelv00".

  2. Even I ran varyonvg command on old_rootvg got an unknown error.

My objective is to remove "pagelv00" logical volume. Please suggest me on how I can achive this.

Appreciate your help.

Nagesh Rachakonda.

i think u have not properly removed the volume group ...
1.check whether the pagaging space entry in /etc/swapspaces......... the topas command and see is there any pagaging activity is going on ...
3.check whether odm contain any logical volume(paging space) information ... did u remove the harddisk?
if u r not properly followed the steps then you have to updated the ODM after removing the hdisk?

dare AIX

aixteam is correct in his assumption you "didn't properly remove the volume group": "old_rootvg" looks like a leftover from an alternate disk migration, where a mirrored rootvg is split and one of the mirrors is migrated to the new OS version while keeping the other mirror as a fallback.

This "old_rootvg" (as the system renames it) can (and should!) only be removed by "alt_disk_install -X", as stated in the README accompanying the bos.rte.alt_disk_install fileset.


if u are unable to remove the old_rootvg usind alt_disk_install -X command, then you have to manually remove the entries from the odm only... but be careful not to tamper with the odm....

also once you are sure all entries from the odm about the page space is removed then, remove its corresp fle in /dev directory....

all the steps r manual, so be cautious

if you use alt_disk_install option and not use export or import rootvg command boot from correctly hdisk (not from alternative installation) and check /etc/filesystems and /etc/swapspaces. If you use exportvg or importvg rootvg - you must boot from not alternative installation (check bootlist and use bootinfo), restore file: /etc/filesystems, /etc/swapspaces and folder witch subfolders /etc/objrepos from backup's. If you don't have any backup ... hmmm ;( - Mass of fun waits you konfiguration ODM, synchronization ODM <-> disk descriptors and VG definitions.