Removing last character of a specific line from a file

Hello guys,

I would need to remove the last character ")" of a specific line. This can be from any line. Your help is appreciated. Below is the line.


Please help.

Hello sang8g,

Welcome to forum, please use code tags for commands/codes/Inputs which you show us in your posts. For your request you can try following.

 echo ${a%)}

Output will be as follows.


ii- If line is every time ending with character ) then

 awk '{sub(/\)$/,X,$0);print}' Input_file

Output will be as follows.


Hope this may help you.

R. Singh

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Hello Ravinder Singh,
Thank you for your response. But yeah in a normal scenario. it works. But actually i am trying to do this in a script, so my script has the below lines

cp /root/new/test.prop /root/sid/
su -l suadm <<EOF

source /root/sid/test.prop

after sourcing it connecting it using sqlplus by taking the conn strings from test.prop file.
so in the test.prop , ")" extra character should be removed and then source this test.prop file and conn using sqlplus .

Hello sang8g,

Not sure if I understand requirement completely but why should a tnsnames(actual file name for oracle) or test.prp file will NOT have complete pair of ) braces at first place. If still that is correct entry then could you please be more clear in your requirement because in my first post I have suggested one awk solution which can help you if you only want to remove character ) and get the values.

R. Singh

actually my requirement is that i should open the test.prop file and remove the last character ")" from a particular line and then save and quit the file. this should be done by a script itself.

Hello sang8g,

Yes, following may help you in same.

awk '{sub(/\)$/,X,$0);print}' Input_file > temp_input_file
mv temp_input_file Input_file

There is one more option sed -i but above option is more convenient. Hope this helps.

NOTE: You can change files names Input_file and temp_input_file accordingly.

R. Singh

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Thanks Ravinder. That works !!!