Removing html tags

I store different variance of the below in an xml file. and apparently, xml has an issue loading up data like this because it contains html tags. i would like to preserve this data as it is, but unfortunately, xml says i cant.

so i have to strip out all the html tags.

the examples i found online tend to strip out the tags AND also the content, which i dont want. i need the content. i just want to get rid of the HTML tags.

below is the code:

echo "OK: strings of [ <bye xmlns= serial-number= ] was found in the response
from the URL [ ]. 
Actual response received = [ <bye xmlns= serial-number=fafafafafaf /> ]." | sed 's/<[^>]*>//g'


 OK: strings of [  ].

Not sure what you want for your desired output, but this will get rid of the "<>" tags:

echo "OK: strings of [ <bye xmlns= serial-number= ] was found in the response from the URL [ ]. Actual response received = [ <bye xmlns= serial-number=fafafafafaf /> ]." | sed "s|[<|>]||g"

OK: strings of [ bye xmlns= serial-number= ] was found in the response from the URL [ ]. Actual response received = [ bye xmlns= serial-number=fafafafafaf / ].

Could you post your expected result?

Could you show what the output would need to look like?

im gonna try to this to see if it works. cant post any output because the output wont be the same. i have hundreds of data similar to this. and they're not all similar. i just want to keep the html tags from being a nuisance.

microsoft excel cant load up an xml file if it has these html tags in them.

We meant what output would need to look like with your input sample.

i would like the output to look similar to this:

OK: strings of [ bye xmlns= serial-number= ] was found in the response from the URL [ ]. Actual response received = [ bye xmlns= serial-number=fafafafafaf / ].

So you just want to delete the <> characters?

tr -d '<>' < inputfile > outputfile

i guess it would help if i stated what my purpose of this is.

ok, the output above needs to be able placed in an xml file. below is the field of the xml file in which i place each output into:

  <Cell ss:StyleID="s63"><Data ss:Type="String">$Output</Data></Cell>

so the variable called "$Output", contains the information that i'm trying to strip html tags from.

since there are so many characters that can be in an html tag, i dont know what characters will be in all the information that will be placed in the "$Output" variable.

so i'm hoping there's a sed/awk one liner that can take into account all html tags/characters, and remove them from my output. i'm presuming someone here would know about html and all the tags it has.


<Cell ss:StyleID="s63"><Data ss:Type="String">${Output//[<>]/}</Data></Cell>


Also try as..

echo "OK: ...." | sed 's/[<>]//g'