removing certain paragraphs for matching patterns

I have a log file which might have certain paragraphs.

Switch not possible Error code 1234
Process number 678

Log not available Error code 567
Process number 874

Now I create an exception file like this.

cat text.exp
Error code 1234
Process number 874

What I want is to read my original file but exclude any paragraphs that might contact the keywords written in the exception file. How can I do that?

$ cat file1
Switch not possible Error code 1234
Process number 678
Log not available Error code 567
Process number 874
Log not available Error code 333
Process number 34
Log not available Error code 33334234
Process number 012
Log not available Error code 333 hello
Process number 012
Log not available Error code 567
Process number 8743434
Log not available Error code 567
Process number 874 ok
$ cat text.exp 
Error code 1234
Process number 874
Error code 333
$ ./ 
Log not available Error code 33334234
Process number 012
Log not available Error code 567
Process number 8743434
$ cat 
awk '
        RS=""; ORS="\n\n"
  NR == FNR{
        split($0, arr, "\n");
  NR != FNR{
        str = $0 "\n"
        for(i=1; i <= length(arr); i++){
          regx = arr "[[:space:]?|\n]"
          if(str ~ regx) break;
        if(i > length(arr)) print $0
' text.exp file1

hope to help u!:slight_smile:


I am not sure how it works but looks like this could help me. Thank you for such a short turnaround. I will check the awk script and see how it works.

Just as a doubt can't I use a while read do loop and do the same thing. Something like this...

cat tem.exp | while read exception
cat file | grep -iv $exception

I know the above code is not right. But thats just a basic idea. I dont know how to remove a para in the first place. And then I need to do it in a loop so that I parse each line in the exception file.


This is a long solution, but modular for generality. It consists primarily of 2 perl scripts. The first reads paragraphs and creates single lines of them, using a character for the newline (I used "%"). The second perl script does the opposite, takes the long "%"-embedded lines, and creates separate lines.

With those two on the outside, we can manipulate the file as we wish with line-oriented *nix tools. In this demonstration a grep is used to eliminate paragraphs (long lines) matching the phrases you wish.

Here are the perl scripts:


# @(#) p1       Demonstrate paragraphs into lines, substitution for newline.

use warnings;
use strict;

$debug = 0;
$debug = 1;

my($FAKE_RS) = "%";

# read paragraphs
$/ = "\n\n";

while ( <> ) {
        print "$_\n";




# @(#) p2       Demonstrate read lines, substituting newline.

use warnings;
use strict;

$debug = 0;
$debug = 1;

my($FAKE_RS) = "%";

while ( <> ) {
        print "$_";


These can be driven by a shell script:

#!/bin/bash -

# @(#) s1       Demonstrate pipeline for paragraph matching.

echo "(Versions displayed with local utility \"version\")"
version >/dev/null 2>&1 && version =o $(_eat $0 $1)
set -o nounset


echo " Data file $FILE1:"
cat $FILE1

echo " Data file $FILE2:"
cat $FILE2

echo " Results:"
./p1 $FILE1 |
tee t1 |
grep -v -f $FILE2 |
tee t2 |

exit 0


% ./s1

(Versions displayed with local utility "version")
Linux 2.6.11-x1
GNU bash 2.05b.0

 Data file data1:
Switch not possible Error code 1234
Process number 678

Log not available Error code 567
Process number 874

Log not available Error code 333
Process number 34

Log not available Error code 33334234
Process number 012

Log not available Error code 333 hello
Process number 012

Log not available Error code 567
Process number 8743434

Log not available Error code 567
Process number 874 ok

Log not available Error code 999
Process number 777 missing

 Data file data2:
Error code 1234
Error code 333
Process number 874%

Log not available Error code 567
Process number 8743434

Log not available Error code 567
Process number 874 ok

Log not available Error code 999
Process number 777 missing

The patterns to be excluded could contain a "%" to force exclusion of patterns ending at the point corresponding to a newline, as with pattern 3. If the character "%" occurs in either data file, then changes would need to be made to the perl scripts and the pattern data file. However, the manipulation is generally unaware that it is operating on paragraphs -- it sees everything as just a line, a long line to be sure, but just a line. This places the complexity outside the scope of the real operation you wish to perform.

The intermediate files t1 and t2 may be viewed to see in more detail how the process works. The tee commands may be removed when desired -- just delete the lines, that's why they are on separate lines in the pipeline.

The paragraphs must be separated by empty lines, no spaces, TABs, etc. are allowed, only a newline.

See man pages for details ... cheers, drl


nawk '{
if (NR==FNR){arr[$NF]++}
if (FNR%3==1)
        if($NF in arr){flag=1}
else if(FNR%3==2){
	if($NF in arr || flag==1){flag=0;next}
        else{print t;print $0}
}' text.exp file


open FH,"<text.exp";
	@arr=split(" ",$_);
open FH,"<file";
	@temp=split(" ",$_);
	$line=$_ if (!exists($hash{$t}) && $.%3==1);
	if(!exists($hash{$t}) && $.%3==2){
foreach (@res){

Thank you so much. This was really easy with so many options.

The first awk script runs well on one server on the other it says syntax error on line 12 where the regx occurs.

The second NAWK script that was given has a diff problem. It runs fine but it gives out all lines which dont match the pattern. I wanted to ignore the entire paragraph with matching pattern.

I cant use perl script since its not available on every server.

The second perl script and the NAWK script work fine except for one thing.
They dont exlude the line which has the work 'hello'. It looks like they take into accound only the line matches exactly. If there are additional words(in our case 'hello') then it doesnt exclude it. I wanted it to search anywhere in the para and exclude.