removing a space

Hi I want to remove a space for column 6. basically column 6 in my file looks like this:

tig 2
tig 9
tig 39
tig 300

I want the output to look like this:


How do I remove that space just for column 6.


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The UNIX and Linux Forums

im sorry...


not sure what you're sorry about, but that's ok.........

kylle345 is probably sorry because of this


This is something a little sed script can do for you. It seems to me that the column you are trying to change is 5, not 6, but maybe i am missing a leading space. Anyways, you can modify the script yourself easily, the five full stops i put in represent 5 random characters followed by a space. If you have to change the column simply add/delete some of the full stops to adjust:

sed 's/^\(.....\) /\1/' /path/to/sourcefile > /path/to/resultfile

I hope this helps.
