Remove word with sed

How can I use sed or any utility to remove any word that begins with TRS-, I have tried sed


but seems not to be working

23 TRS-458-9 345 235
45 TRS-42-5 423 000
76 300 234


23 345 235
45 423 000
76 300 234
$ sed "s/TRS-[^ ]* //g" file
23 345 235
45 423 000
76 300 234
1 Like



One more solution for same.

awk '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) {if($i !~ /TRS/) {print $i}}}' file_name | xargs -n 3

Output will be as follows.

23 345 235
45 423 000
76 300 234

R. Singh

Using the same regex via awk

awk '{sub(/TRS-[^ ]* /,x)}1' infile

Or maybe a different approach could be used:

awk '{print $1, $(NF-1), $NF}' file