Remove the zfs snapshot keeping the original volume and clone

I created a snapshot and subsequent clone of a zfs volume. But now i 'm not able to remove the snapshot it gives me following error

zfs destroy newpool/ldom2/zdisk4@bootimg
cannot destroy 'newpool/ldom2/zdisk4@bootimg': snapshot has dependent clones
use '-R' to destroy the following datasets:

and if i promote the clone then the original volume becomes the dependent clone , is there a way to destroy just the snapshot leaving the clone and original volume intact ?

Can you post the commands you used ?

zpool history newpool | grep ldom2


What command exactly you want to know i ran .. as there are lot of commands for newpool and ldom datasets.

The ones you feel are related to the issue. Strip out the other ones.

2009-08-05.03:03:56 zfs snapshot newpool/ldom2/zdisk4@bootimg
2009-08-05.03:08:03 zfs clone newpool/ldom2/zdisk4@bootimg newpool/ldom2/zdisk0

Above are the 2 commands which i used for snapshot and cloning.

I'm afraid you fail to provide enough commands that would help understanding the issue.

How did you create zdisk4 in the first place ?
How did you "promote the clone then the original volume becomes the dependent clone" ?

Sorry for the delay following are the commands which i used for zdisk4 on my system let me know if you need more details on this

0# zpool history | grep zdisk4
2009-07-21.05:19:10 zfs create -V 30G newpool/ldom2/zdisk4
2009-08-05.03:03:56 zfs snapshot newpool/ldom2/zdisk4@bootimg
2009-08-05.03:08:03 zfs clone newpool/ldom2/zdisk4@bootimg newpool/ldom2/zdisk0
2009-08-05.06:33:55 zfs promote newpool/ldom2/zdisk4
2009-08-07.03:57:30 zfs promote newpool/ldom2/zdisk4
2009-08-07.04:40:53 zfs snapshot newpool/ldom2/zdisk4@boot

You cannot promote a volume. This command is restricted to filesystems.