Remove repeated line using Perl

I am new to Perl and in text file of around 1000 lines having around 500 repeated line which I felt is no use and want to remove these can somebody help in same for providing sample code how can i remove these repeated line in a file.

sort -u

here is one way to do it Remove Duplicate Lines from a File - Perl

do you have to use Perl? If not use the method that rdcwayx suggests.

yes i have to use perl script.
so can somebody mail me sample code of same.


perl -i -ne 'next if $s{$_}++; print;' file

After googling I found script for removing repeated line in a file.

next if $sLine =~ m/^\s*$/;  
print OUT qq{$sLine\n} unless ($hTmp{$sLine}++);

Basically regular expression are used to remove repeated line now Point is am I am not getting clear idea about these how they are working.Can somebody provide me some sort of help in that.

The first three lines disregard (and do **not** print) blank lines and trim non-blank lines.
The fourth line is just another way of writing Klashxx's one-liner.
Try both of them with sample data and it should make things clearer.


It's state it will print only if line is not repeated.
But why unless statement is used further.

I hope you do realize that you've answered your own question.
(Hint) => unless is the opposite of if.


Thanks..I got it.