Remove os mirrored disk Solaris 10

Hello once again seeking your help,

I have a mirrored disk and need to unmirror it to mount it as a new file system (/export) but could not find the correct steps to do it with out affecting the original disk.

can anybody point me out on how to get this done.


First you will need to tell us how it is mirrored.

In the example below d2 is the submirror of d1.

#metastat d1

The above will list the devices used by the mirror d1 so as you can remount the device later.

detach submirror

# metadetach d1 d2
# umount /dev/md/dsk/d1

If the mirror is a root,swap or /usr slice then there is a little more to it and the above is not suitable.

You may also want to clear the metadevices d1 and d2

# metaclear -r d1
# metaclear d2

Thanks for the info,

what you are telling me is correct for the root, and swap i found the following web and even though its for Solaris 9 it worked ok in Solaris 10d and it is a step by step instruction and easy to follow:

Removing Volumes - (Using Solaris 9 Volume Manager Commands)