remove duplicate

i have a text its contain many record, but its written in one line,
i want to remove from that line the duplicate record,
not record have fixed width ex: width = 4
inputfile test.txt =abc cdf abc abc cdf fgh fgh abc abc
i want the outputfile =abc cdf fgh
only those records
can any one help me as unix script sh?
thnx in advance.

super quick and dirty way is use the space as your seperator and load each element into a hash.

hashes can only contain unique keys. so if you load up a hash then you are sure to get no duplicates.

then you just spit out each key and reform your line.


tr ' ' '\012' < test.txt | sort -u | paste -s -d' ' - > outfile

thnx Ygor, Optimus_P
but what if the record contain space
ex: my record size 5
test.txt=ab cdefr tab cdab cdefr tasdfg
the result must be
ab cdefr tasdfg
i try :
dd if=$1 of=$1.temp cbs=5 conv=unblock
sort $1.temp -u >$1.temp1
cat $1.temp1|tr "\n" " ">$ ?

I don't understand, kazanoova ... wouldn't the output be ab cdefr tab cdab tasdfg?