Remove directory with exceptions

I want to remove a directory recursively except the inside directories calles .SYNC (designsync dirs) I am looking for something like:

\rm -rf < find . * | grep -v .SYNC

The find works ok but I do not know how to redirect it.

Please help.


cd /path/to/directory
rm -rf  $(find . * | grep -v .SYNC)

This will work but it is REALLY dangerous. Be careful.

What's the meaning to put a * in your find script?

your request can be combined into one command:

find . ! -name "*.SYNC" -type f -exec echo rm -rf {} \;

if you review the output, and it is fine, then run below command to delete files.

find . ! -name "*.SYNC" -type f -exec rm -rf {} \;

The second solution solve it.