remove accents and symbols with sed

Hi, I would like to know how could I remove accentes and the symbols: � and � of a text file with sed. Whis this command doesn't works :frowning: sed "s/�/i/g" filename Many thanks and sorry for my english!

These characters are UTF-16?

Please use this command
sed -e "s/\�//g" -e "s/\�//g" tt1.txt> tt2.txt

I have tested it with this input
tt1.txt input file contains
hel�lo � hel�lo2�

output file tt2.txt comtains
hello hello2

Sorry doesn't work me In te text, the caracter � if I do a vi it show me well, but when I do a sed from this text shows me a extrange caracter in substitusion to �, it shows me a interrogation mark like inside of a sqare if I try to paste the line where the character is (ctrl+c, ctrl+v) but it shows: on - 8 Any help?

That's why we need to know your locale settings.

avid@defekas:~$ echo $LANG es_ES.UTF-8 Thanks

sed -e 's/^[ ]Width:[ ]//' -e 's/[ ]*$//'`

try this way need to change according to your format in the file

Nothing! the same strange character I upload the screen ImageShack - Image Hosting :: imagenfr3.jpg. The character srange it's next to "Simpson" word

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