Remote printing

Dear Sir
Please how can I print a job localy with my printer while a server from where I am working belong to another network?

Actulally to print a job I am oblige to :
1rst to print it inside a file
2nd coping the file to my network (rcp)
3rt sending the file to my local printer (lp -d(queue))
The application is also remote

I am not sure if I got your request clear. If it is 'How to print from a remote server on to a printer on your local server' , then the answer is , Yes , setup printer on your local server and configure the same as a remote printer on the remote system. So you can issue an 'lp' command from the remote system to get it printed.



Hello sir
Maybe my request was not quite clear but I would have an example. I am using a PC in my office and the server belong to another network where I am connected and working and sometime i need to print job directelly on my local printer. How this printer should be configure on the server ? Because from now when I set a job its print on the share printer on the area that the server in physically situated not where I am.