Remote command output to file comma delimited

I am trying to run a command that will get the serial number, model, and hostname of a server and then output the 3 fields comma delimited.

Then a new line to separate the 3 fields for each host.

So, I run a for loop that reads in the list of hosts in a file and then runs these sudo commands outputted to a file

Problem is it doesn't format my output at all. It looks like it may be newline delimited or tab delimited when i view the file, but no sorts work that way.

Any help?

for host in $(cat hosts.txt)
echo $host >> rissvserial.log
ssh $host 'sudo /usr/sbin/dmidecode -s system-serial-number; sudo /usr/sbin/dmidecode -s system-product-name' >> rissvserial.log
echo >> rissvserial.txt