Remote call not hiding password fields

Not sure on the description, but here is a quick rundown.

I have 2 servers, we'll call them


On serverB, I am calling a script that inside it has the following:

ssh srvdsadm@serverB sudo -u dsadm /opt/apps/DataStage/scripts/ ${projName} ${subProjVar} ${userName}

So, using SSH FROM serverA to serverB, I am running a sudo command, that will run the script as dsadm. Now, within that script I am using subversion command, which asks for a password, but for some reason when you type the password in, it shows up, instead of being hidden. I've also tested this by instead of using that command, I've used this:

echo "Please enter your Password for SVN"
read -s passwordVar

Using that, the password still shows up. Is there anyway I can suppress their input when the user inputs their password?


One possibility:

printf "Please enter your Password for SVN: "
stty -echo
read -s passwordVar
stty echo