Remote Access of Red Hat Linux

Dear Friends,

I have Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.0 Server installed in HP Blade server which is dont have monitor. I want access my Linux server on my windows XP Pro with full graphic through the network. Please help me how to do it. I have root password.


You need to install an X Server on your PC or use some sort of VNC solution.

One of the more popular X Servers for a PC is Xming X Server for Windows

Dear Frmurphy

Thanks very much for your reply.
Can I access my Linux server on my windows desktop through this application?

Please reply.



The absolute easiest way that I can think of is to use PuTTY and Xming together. If you google for both, you should be able to find them. Then, in your PuTTY configuration, under SSH, find the X11 tab and check the associated box.

From then on, you could launch any X applications you choose.

Alternately, you can install the client for nomachine nx. If you install the nomachine free version of nx, you can have up to 2 users concurrently use the GUI.

I trying to connect through VNC viewer to my Red Hat Linux. It is showing following error.
unable to connect to host: Connection refused (10061)
I checked on Red Hat Server & I found that VNCSERVER service is running properly on server. But still I am not able to connect from network.
Server IP address is
Tried to connect on following port

Please help.

check which port does VNCSERVER use. then connect using that port from VNC Viewer.

Dear Kumaran,

How to check that? Kindly help me in this regards.

Thanks in advance.


netstat -pnae | grep -i vnc

Typically a VNC server opens the next 3 available TCP/IP ports, starting from 5801, 5901, and 6001 respectively. Port 5801 is for VNC client connection over HTTP protocol, port 5901 is for VNC client connection over RFB protocol, and port 6001 is to allows X applications to connect to the VNC server.

Executing vncserver for the second time or executing the vncserver :2 command, will startup a VNC server that binds and listens to port 5802, 5902, and 6002 respectively, and so on.

Use lsof or netstat to show the network ports opened by a vnc server.

You can always look at nomachine.

NoMachine NX - Terminal Server, Desktop Virtualization and Access Management Software

The free version works really well.

Also make sure that the firewall (iptables) is allowing the connection through!:wink: