Regular expressions output is whole line

I am newbie in shell programming and I need some help.

I had some data and I format it in a file like

dn: uid=aaaaa, dc=exmple, dc=com
cn: bbbb cccc
sn: cccc

I have to extract the information aaaaa , bbbb, cccc and the phone number
using awk expressions

I am trying regular expressions like

awk '/dn: uid=[a-zA-Z]/ { print }' 1.txt

but the output is the whole line (not only the username)

can I save this info to arrays like usernames[] , firstnames[], lastnames[]

because I want to do something else later.

Thanks a lot for your help

$ cat mytst
dn: uid=aaaaa, dc=exmple, dc=com
cn: bbbb cccc
sn: cccc

$ awk -F"[ :=,]" '/^d/{x=4}/^[cs]n/{x=3}/^tel/{x=2}x{print $x;x=y}' mytst
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nawk -F'[=,: ]' '{print /uid=/?$4:(/^telephoneN/)?$2:$3}' myFile
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thanks a lot