RegEx in Java. \b does not react to a newline


In Java I use this regular expression \b\w+\b as a pattern in order to find words but the boundary does not react to newlines. For example, in the following text:

hello and bye



it finds the words below:


Could someone tell how to fix that?

p.s. Just in case it's a clue, the example text does not have empty lines when I view it in gedit, they only appear over here, after I paste the text and submit the post.

Works fine for me:

$ # show the Java program
$ cat -n
     1    import java.util.regex.Matcher;
     2    import java.util.regex.Pattern;
     3    public class RegexTest {
     4      public static void main(String[] args) {
     5        String str = "hello and bye\nand\nblah";
     6        String ptn = "\\b\\w+\\b";
     7        int num = 0;
     8        Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(ptn);
     9        Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(str);
    10        System.out.println("=======  String for inspection  =======");
    11        System.out.println(str);
    12        System.out.println("========================================");
    13        System.out.println("=======  Pattern to be searched  =======");
    14        System.out.println(ptn);
    15        System.out.println("========================================");
    16        boolean found = false;
    17        while (matcher.find()) {
    18          num++;
    19          System.out.println("Match # "+num+"\t:\t""\t=>\tstarts at "
    20              + "index "+matcher.start()+" and ends at index "+matcher.end());
    21          found = true;
    22        }
    23        if (!found) {
    24          System.out.println("No match found");
    25        }
    26      }
    27    }
$ # compile
$ javac
$ # run
$ java RegexTest
=======  String for inspection  =======
hello and bye
=======  Pattern to be searched  =======
Match # 1    :    hello    =>    starts at index 0 and ends at index 5
Match # 2    :    and    =>    starts at index 6 and ends at index 9
Match # 3    :    bye    =>    starts at index 10 and ends at index 13
Match # 4    :    and    =>    starts at index 14 and ends at index 17
Match # 5    :    blah    =>    starts at index 18 and ends at index 22
