regd explorer


i want to know how to install explorer in sparc e-250 OS solaris 8 iam able to install the software
iam able to install the explorer,i use to run
#./explorer -q -e
other than this what all i should run to get all details.but iam just getting some thing which not related to o/s or h/w can any one help me out regds this explorer issue how ti u install it and give the correct out put to sun

how should i run explorer so that i get the all out put regd sun hardware or software

pls helpmeout on this issue


cd to the home directory of SUNWexplo and then go to the bin directory.

These are the options for explorer:
explorer -version
explorer -help

[ -h <explorer-home> ]
[ -d <defaults-file> ]
[ -l <log-file> ]
[ -e | -mail ]
[ -E <email-address> | -myemail <email-address> ]
[ -t <output-directory> | -target <output-directory> ]
[ -u ]
[ -r ]
[ -R <email-address> ]
[ -i | -instinfo ]
[ -k | -keep ]
[ -f <file> ]
[ -c <command> ]
[ -w <module-list> ]
[ -V | -version ]
[ -v | -verbose ]
[ -q | -quiet ]
[ -C | -case <case-number> ]
[ -L | -esc <escalation-number> ]
[ -S | -sn <serial-number> ]
[ -T | -transport <transport> ]
[ -D ]
[ -N ]
[ -M ]
[ -iplanet ]
[ -m <sunone.config-file> ]
[ -j <j2se.config-file> ]
[ -n <scinput.txt-file> ]
[ -o <saninput.txt-file> ]
[ -p <t3input.txt-file> ]
[ -s <subject> ]

If you set your MANPATH to contain the path to the man pages under the SUNWexplo diretory (on my system it was /opt/SUNWexplo/man) then you can read the man page on explorer.

If you go to /opt/SUNWexplo/doc and read the README, you will have a very good explaination of what explorer does, and how to run it.

hii john

Thanks for the reply, i wanna to share with u what i have done

first this downloaded explorer.tar.z from sunsolve site

then uncompress it and by using tar xvf SUNWexplo.tar

after that with pkgadd -d command run the install program, i have installed the program in #/opt/SUNWexplo(directory)

it asked me lots ot question like serial no, contract id (which i dont know) company address engineers name telephone no etc etc

after the installation it asked me to run explorer -q -e to find out the detail

and for result v have to go and see in #/etc/opt/SUNWexplo/default/explorer there i can see ony what all information i have feeded is there nothing else and when i send to sun support they r asking me the output should come explorer.gz , which is not coming where should i see the output.when i run this command were will i get the output or where should i go and see, i think the output should show something regarding hardware or or applicaton or OS related so where should i go and see the out put of this all or i have to run this individual test sepratelyyy plss help me out

thanks in advance



Who is John?

The output should be in /opt/SUNWexplo/output/. Check there and post back.