regarding Color scheme in linux console connected through putty.

Hi All,

I am connecting to SunOs 5.8 server from windows machine through putty. My problem is commands are not showing any colours results. I want to see 'ls' command should list directories in 'red' and files in 'green' etc. How to do it . Please help.

Also How to enable syntax colouring in vi or vim. ? please let me know.

As far as I know the implementations of these programs (ls, vi) on Sun OS 5.8 don't have those capabilities ...

How do we know that which server we got connected to ?

uname -a is available on most *nix platforms and gives some info on system type.
You could also try cat /etc/*{release,version} , or check the contents of /etc/motd.

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Thanks for that. Mine is SunOS. How can I get the color scheme in SunOS?

As radoulov said, ls on SunOS doesn't support colour. An alternative might be to install the GNU version (which is part of coreutils).

The vim command for syntax highlighting is just :syntax on . Again, it may not be supported on the version you have.
