Rega: Cron Job


This is regarding Cron Job.

How can we detemine that the scheduled job has executed or not in cron job.

Where does the information stored that the cron has executed the perticular job?..


Rahul :slight_smile:

The cron log.

Check your manual pages where it is located.

Another option is to create some kind of dummy file at the beginning and at the end of your script to verify if the cron started and completed.

e.g. at the beginning of the script:

date > /tmp/start

and at the end of the script:

date > /tmp/end

You should be able to find it by looking into cron log ....

In HPUX you should find it at /var/adm/cron/log
In RedHat linux /var/log/cron

Please let us know if this doesn't work for you.

I use cron to output the standard output/error to a log file for each particular job that I run via cron.

Each script that I use cron to run I also throw the date command in there so that I can view these log files and see what occured when that job was ran each date...