Reformat Data (Perl)

I am new to Perl. I need to reformat a data file as the last part of a script I am working on. I am stuck on this.

Here is the current format:

CUSTOMER Filename 09/04/07-08:49
CUSTOMER Filename 09/04/07-08:52
CUSTOMER Filename 09/04/07-08:52
CUSTOMER2 Filename 09/04/07-08:49
CUSTOMER2 Filename 09/04/07-08:52
CUSTOMER2 Filename 09/04/07-08:52

I need it to look like this:

Filename 09/04/07-08:49
Filename 09/04/07-08:52
Filename 09/04/07-08:52

Filename 09/04/07-08:49
Filename 09/04/07-08:52
Filename 09/04/07-08:52

Any ideas? I've thought about looping thru the list and storing each list item as a variable and then printing the variables, but I haven't worked out how exactly to do it.

standard key holding mechanism:


$fin = "c";

unless ( open FIN, $fin ){
  print "cannot read file $fin \n";

@a_lines = <FIN>; chomp @a_lines; close FIN;

$prev_customer = "ZZZZ";

foreach $line ( @a_lines ){

  ( $customer, @a_junk ) = split( / /, $line );

  if ( $prev_customer ne $customer ){
    if ( $prev_customer ne "ZZZZ" ){
      print "\n";

    $prev_customer = $customer;

    print "$customer\n";

  print join ' ', @a_junk;
  print "\n";


same solution in ksh:



cat c |
while read customer junk ; do

  if [ $prev_customer != $customer ]; then
    if [ $prev_customer != "ZZZZ" ]; then


    print $customer

  print $junk


was stuck in perl mode, i guess...

quirkasaurus, that works great.

I've never used a key holding mechanism so thanks. I am sure I will find a lot of uses for it going forward. I really appreciate your help.