Reform Lines in File without blank lines and spaces

Hello All,
I have a file with data as below. Each line consists of 21 fields. I am not able to load them back to the database.

50733339,"834","834            ","005010X279A1","N","Y","007977163","0001      ",30,"2110D ","EB   ","EB007 ","2    ","Conditional Required Data Element Miss
",,"REJ            ",,"8    ","Segment has Data Element Errors
50732730,"834","834            ","005010X279A1","N","Y","007977108","0001      ",14,"2100C ","DTP  ","DTP002","1    ","Required Data Element Missing
",,"REJ            ",,"8    ","Segment has Data Element Errors

I need help to reform the lines in the files as below (remove all leading and trailing spaces and reform the 21 fields into a single line. I have marked the lines in different colors for clear understanding.

50733339,"834","834","005010X279A1","N","Y","007977163","0001",30,"2110D ","EB","EB007 ","2","Conditional Required Data Element Missing",,"REJ",,"8    ","Segment has Data Element Errors","2012-03-03-",
50732730,"834","834","005010X279A1","N","Y","007977108","0001",14,"2100C ","DTP","DTP002","1","Required Data Element Missing",,"REJ",,"8","Segment has Data Element Errors","2012-03-03-",

Any assistance to achieve the above would be very very helpful


perl -pi -e "s/([^,])\s*\n/\1/g" infile
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Need a bit more of help over this one. The command is not working for some of the lines. Can you please help if the lines are as below:

54961242,"780","780-HORIZ-00000","005010X223A2","Y","N","000001403","1178      ",30,"2300  ","HI   ",,,,,"REJ            ","PNASC.HIPDT.NARJ6NNJ.NEWA.D120309.T232827.0035430-H","8    ","Segment has Data Element Errors
54961243,"780","780-HORIZ-00000","005010X223A2","Y","N","000001403","1185      ",36,"2300  ","HI   ",,,,,"REJ            ","PNASC.HIPDT.NARJ6NNJ.NEWA.D120309.T232827.0035430-H","8    ","Segment has Data Element Errors

I need them as below:

54961242,"780","780-HORIZ-00000","005010X223A2","Y","N","000001403","1178",30,"2300","HI",,,,,"REJ","PNASC.HIPDT.NARJ6NNJ.NEWA.D120309.T232827.0035430-H","8","Segment has Data Element Errors","2012-03-10-", "NM1*IL*1*FELDER*PAMELA****MI*YHQ3HZN39529840CLM*HAH53954*4890.13***13:A:1**A*Y*YHI*BF:4019:::::::Y*BF:V5869:::::::E"
54961243,"780","780-HORIZ-00000","005010X223A2","Y","N","000001403","1185",36,"2300","HI",,,,,"REJ","PNASC.HIPDT.NARJ6NNJ.NEWA.D120309.T232827.0035430-H","8    ","Segment has Data Element Errors","2012-03-10-","NM1*IL*1*MCCLURKIN*STEPHANIE****MI*NJX3HZN14544770NM1*QC*1*MCCLURKIN*WILLIAM"

The data in bold represents the beginning of each line. Thanks a lot in advance

This should be fine for the sample provided:

perl -pi -e 's/([^",])\s*\n/\1/g' infile