Redirecting script output to terminal

When ever i started my terminal,Every time I have to change the directory like "

cd user/documents/ravi/folder2/folder3

" Without typing this entire command every time ,I placed "

alias c='cd user/documents/ravi/folder2/folder3'

" in .bash_profile file. so that i can able to execute command 'c' from any directory without any issues . But my requirement is --> the command "

cd user/documents/ravi/folder2/folder3

" should be in a shellscript . I want to execute that script to change the directory from anywhere . For that i have created one script ( having content [ICODE]echo "change script "
cd user/documents/ravi/folder2/folder3[/CODE]" in user/documents directory . In .bash_profile file i put "

export PATH=$PATH:user/documents

" . No i can able to execute the script from any where . I am getting output as change script . when i am trying to print present working directory PWD ,It is not getting to change the directory . the problem is --the output of changing the directory from script is not getting redirected to terminal . Can any one help me to come out of this ......

Understood but not completely. So you telling when you do echo $PWD in terminal your not getting the required output?

After executing that script file , i tried pwd to get the present working directory . my requirement is that directory has to changed to "user/documents/ravi/folder2/folder3" but it is not changed .

What is the output you are getting after pwd command ?

For example now i am in a directory "user/documents".I have executed the script for changing the directory to "user/documents/ravi/folder2/folder3" . After that I have tried pwd and i got output as "user/documents" . but i need output as "user/documents/ravi/folder2/folder3"

Holy mother of God that first post was a pain to read...

Can you [ code ] your shell script for me?

I'm not entirely sure what you're issue is. Try /user/documents/ravi/folder2/folder3 .

I agree with Phunk .You should use the full path from the root that means / .
