Redirect an application with a Serial connection

Hi community,

I've currently working on SUN Server V490 and I'm connecting with a Serial port (I DON'T HAVE ANY IP CONNECTIVITY)...I need to redirect the graphic interface of Oracle with the dbca command; I know a way with an IP Connectivity ( use a X-Server and then setenv DISPLAY <ipaddress:0.0> ) but not with a serial port.

Could you provide any solution please? Also this is very URGENT!!!

I don't think so you can do it with a serial conn unless you connect up a monitor and keyboard

Dear all,

Appreciate if you help me with this

I have a new V490 server. The initial power up did not show any activities on the screen, so we connected to the serial MGT port, however, when we started up it immediately asked for username and password. It did know any details of the processes and memory counts.

I suspect that the screen is disabled at OBP level.
Can anyone help me to login to the serial MGT port?

Thanks in advance .


If is is like a V240, just keep your hands off the keyboard and ALOM will time-out and send you to OpenBoot where you can use OBP commands without any password. The login and password are required to access the ALOM, not OBP. The user name is probably "Admin".

See: V240 EPROM reset to reset the ALOM password.

The 490 uses an RSC card, so this doesn't work and it sounds like it's simple the default RSC (unconfigured) prompt. You need to connect to the serial port (ttyA), install the OS and the RSC software to do the initial configuration onf the RSC, however if you simply want to set the input and output you will get the ok prompt from the serial port.

Sorry guys you must have misunderstood the question or maybe i was not clear?

When i connect to the Serial MGT port it prompts for a Username and Password. It does not show the memory counts and the details of the other processes.

It does not direct to the OK prompt!!!

So far i have seen in forums that they have mentioned "admin" in the username but no news about the password.

Is there any way to reset the password at this level??

As I said, you need to connect to the serial port, not the serial management port. There is no default password. You are seeing the RSC login, but by default it is not configured and you cannot use the RSC management port out of the box. You have to install the OS via the serial port before you can configure the RSC, until then only the serial port (not the serial management port) will work.


I have another problem, regarding the DVDROM of the same server V490.
I have completed Solaris10 installation.
DVDROM sometimes reads and sometimes do not.
Once when it did not work i did the following and it worked.

Stopped and Started the Volmgt in /etc/init.d

But again i faced the same problem today and i performed the same actions, but it did not work.

Seems lik it is not mounted automatically whenever it is rebooted

Any suggestions??

Thanks in advance.
