RedHat remote upgrades

Is there an easy (and safe) way to upgrade RedHat versions remotely? I know the difference between 7.2 and 7.3 is just a bunch of newer .rpm file versions. Or is there more? Do I have to boot the CD and choose upgrade? What if I'm 100 miles from the server and would like to avoid traveling there? Can all the .rpms from the 7.3 CDs be "rpm -Fvh" upgraded to achieve the same result? I administer a lot of remote servers and the upgrade bandwagon is traveling too fast...

The upgrade path I'd like to see could be performed dialed in over a text modem dialup session or telnetted(ssh) in.

UP2Date only keeps packages within a certain version family upgraded doesn't it?

Thanks in advance!

Theoretically, you could just 'rpm -Fvh' all the rpm's to bring them up the latest version. In practice it is never quite that easy. One solution that a colleague of mine used was to install 'apt4rpm' (search google), which is a port of the Debian apt tools. Then all you have to do is configure your sources.list to point at 7.3 rpm's and do an "apt-get dist-upgrade" ... all the dependencies are handled for you automatically.