Redhat Linux 5

Can anyone help me outwith the post installation script.I'm newbie to scripting!
i need to customize the post installation script using are the requirements to be set
set permissions /etc/crontab =400
and following services to be set OFF for runlevels
autofs 1256
avahi-deamon 1256
bluetooth 156
sendmail 156
and also set the default mask to 027 from 022

Try this in your ks file:

chmod 400 /etc/crontab
chmod 600 /etc/sysctl.conf
chmod 400 /etc/securetty
chkconfig --level 1256 autofs off
chkconfig --level 1256 avahi-deamon off
chkconfig --level 156 buetooth off
chkconfig --level 156 sendmail off
sed -i 's/022/077/' /etc/bashrc

By the way I wouldn't mind if you use descriptive titles.