Redhat installation

Hi everyone, i am new to unix system. i got a project to install a web server (grafana)and database(influxdb) to install in redhat 7. The alloted space for my virtual machine is 1.3 TB . i don't have any idea how to allocate this space for redhat directories. DO i have to continue with the basic installion or i should allocate space manually to different directories? Which directory i should allocate more space so that i can place my database in that directory?
It will be very helpful if someone can guide me in this.

Neither of those two programs require one plus, TiB of space. Nevertheless, it is up to you to decide.

influxdb provide a repo with a rpm package for RedHat 7. With the rpm, influxdb installation will create a directory in /var/lib/influxdb .

That's a candidate for a LVM mounting point. You could setup the volume for that at the installation of the OS, or wait after installing the rpm and create it then. This directory will contain nothing until the daemon is start it.