Redhat clustering clustat not showing info

Having an issue with clustat not displaying the rgmanager info eventhu all the of the cman started successfully. No fencing errors. all of the cluster.conf are the same on all serers ..etc. However when i run the clustat i only see this:
Cluster Status for RESTON-LSMS @ Mon Aug 31 15:13:16 2015
Member Status: Quorate

Member Name ID Status
------ ---- ---- ------
prele456-hb 1 Online
prele457-hb 2 Online
prele458-hb 3 Online, Local
prele459-hb 4 Online
prele460-hb 5 Online

None of the services behind it is working. teh rgmanager is not showing on the clustat ! any help will be appreciated. Thanks

Hi mrn6430,
No ideas of the top of my head but here are some things worth checking/verifying:

  1. What version of Redhat are we talking about here?
  2. Is there anything in /var/log/cluster?
  3. Can you confirm the quorum disks/partitions are available on each system?
  4. Can you provide any of the cluster config files for people here to review?


Redhat 6.5. It is using fencing. It looks like we have a defunct rgmanager running. We experienced a network outage and when things recovered, all of the rgmanager binaries were defunct. Just got the word that we will have to reboot the servers.

The network outage sounds like the culprit. Post an update after the reboot, which hopefully will resolve it for you.

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Rebooted late last night since we are in production live. All of the cluster servers were rebooted and restarted clean. Issue is resolved. What had happened both network switches were taken down for maintenance which caused our rgmanager to go defunct on all of the servers!
They should have done one switch at a time not both at the same time. Thanks