Red hat ent 4 syssat

Hi All,

Does installing sysstat on Red Hat Ent 4 will make the system unreliable or it's ok? Is it going to make the OS slow, I mean even if the utilities are not being used?

Any advise will be highly appreciated, thanks.

Why do you think that sysstat will make the system unstable ? Are there any reports close to this statement ? Personally I haven't heard of any. I have sysstat installed on number of production machines, and have never had issues with it. I call sar and mpstat once in a while, but those tools are not-so-intrusive when it comes to system resources. I'm assuming you're talking about Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4. I have it on version 5, too.
Still, your question is a bit surprising to me - if you're not sure on the impact, test it first on a QA box. If you're not sure what sysstat contains, go through the source code and documentation.