Recursively find and change Permissions on Man pages

Just joined after using the site as a guest.. (Very Good Stuff in here.. thanks folks.)

I am in the process of hardening a Solaris 10 server using JASS. I also must use DISA Security Checklists (SRR) scripts to test for things that did not get hardened to DISA standards.

One of the things missing is a script that would change all of the permissions on various man pages to be no more permisive than 644.

I know I can do it by manually finding and changing them, but it would be great if someone allready had a script in place.:smiley:

Thanks again for a great place to browse and learn.


How about just:
find /usr/share/man -type f | xargs chmod 644

you can use chmod -R, always try man page before posting...

Thanx to both of you for your suggestions. I was and am going to be using whatever we discover here as a learning tool to be applied across other directories where permissions need to be changed.

I am wanting to find files that are more permissive than in this case 644 and change them to 644. That would be accomplised by either of your examples I think.

I may need to run my scripts more than once and need only make changes if the files are more permissive than stated, plus I also need to capture the changes in a log for documentation.

I guess I need an ls -l of the directory to get the perms and based on the perms then perform a chmod and >> to a logfile.

Does that make any sense?

JB aka Altamaha

I tried to post this under the Dummies forum in hopes of because it is actually more dumb than security, but I was shut down for double posting.

Now that I am willing to abide by the rules, and after some help from some others on the group, I offer this bit of code hoping that someone can show a better way to get where I am heading.

I am using the suggested fid command, but I do not know how one would use the "greater than" check against the permission bits.

# ident "@(#)stewart-set-manpage-permissions.fin       1.1     08/02/08"
# Set permissions for manual pages to no more permissive than 644.
# Reference GEN001280 UNIX Security Checklist V 5R1.5.

for FILENAME in `find $MANDIR -type f -perm -7 -o -type f -perm -6
     -o -type f -perm -5 -o -type f -perm -3 -o -type f -perm -2 -o -type f -perm -1`
     #chmod 644 $FILENAME
     ls -l $FILENAME

Thank you,
JB aka Altamaha

GNU find at least has some more advanced options for this. Is installing it an option?

Also, even with regular basic old-skool BSD find, I don't really think you need to painstakingly repeat the -type f -- just add parentheses, but note that you have to backslash-escape them because they are special to the shell, too.

find $MANDIR -type f \( -perm -7 -o -perm -6 -o -perm -5 -o -perm -3 -o -perm -2 -o -perm -1 \)

Of course, if you want to say "any bit except 4", that is doable too, at least with GNU find:

find $MANDIR -type f -perm /3

Also look at find2perl -- its documentation is somewhat terse but if you can't quite say what you want with the bare find(1) options, it might be less frustrating to make minor edits to a generated Perl script. Quick Googling brought up this brief tutorial