recursive saving of files and folders

Hi all

I have a bash script, that loops through a folders files and all subfolders for .shtml files.

It looks for a string and replaces it, creating a backup of the original file.

This all works great, but I'd like, when the backup is done, that the files are then also created in their respective folders.

So if example.shtml is found in /var/www/files/example/example.shtml
And the backup folder is /var/www/files/backup

Then the file should be in /var/www/files/backup/example/example.shtml

My current code is:

OLD="This is a"
NEW="I am a"

find . -name '*.shtml' -type f |
while read filename
    /bin/cp -f $filename $BPATH
    sed -i "s/$OLD/$NEW/g" $filename

All help muchly welcome


OLD="This is a"
NEW="I am a"

find . -name '*.shtml' -type f |
while read filename
    RPATH="`dirname $filename`"
    mkdir -p "$BPATH/$RPATH"
    /bin/cp -f $filename "$BPATH/$RPATH"
    sed -i "s/$OLD/$NEW/g" $filename


Thank you

On another note, I want to replace:

OLD="This is a"

with a URL, but I keep getting the following error:

sed: couldn't open file No such file or directory

Do i need some kind of regex or can sed handle urls in terms of strings?


Think you should another separator than '/' for sed, something that isn't anyway in an url. You can try with '|' so sed -i "s/$OLD/$NEW/g" $filename would become sed -i "s|$OLD|$NEW|g" $filename

Ah, I wasn't sure i could use another separator other than '/'.

But replacing '/' with '|' worked a charm!

Thank you!