Recursive Cat?

I have a directory, say "DirA" with a bunch of subfolders 'Sub1, Sub2... etc.' Each subfolder has a number of csv files.

I want to delete the top ten rows of each csv file, then concatenate them and save the output as a csv file with the same name as the subfolder.

My code currently looks like this, but I really don't know what I'm doing at all.

for dir in ./; do 
	cat **/*.csv > $dir.csv


What do you mean by 'delete the top ten rows'? Do you mean physically remove the rows from the file, or just not put them in your output?

  • matches anything, two *'s in a row is redundant.

If there's few enough files, it could be as simple as

tail -n +11 folder/*/*.csv > output
cd DirA
find . -type d > /tmp/mydirs.txt
while read dir
     cd $dir
     ls *.csv | while read csv
           awk 'FNR>10' "$csv" >> big.csv
     mv big.csv  ${dir}.csv
     cd ..
done < /tmp/mydirs.txt

This just creates the csv files without whacking off the top 10 lines of the csv's.
The final large csv for the directory is in the directory.

Thanks! But the output file looks like it is just listing the names of the csv files. I have 150 subdirectories, so I would love to be able to automate it instead of doing this for each of the subdirectories.

If it prints no lines, then the files don't have more than 10 lines. You can give it -q to tell it to omit the file names.

Automate what? It's already selecting everything under folder/whatever/whatever.csv, what other folders do you want? You seemed to imply they were all at the same depth, folder/folder2/file.csv. If they're not, you need to use find and use its output to feed the tail command. xargs can turn a list of files on stdout into a list of arguments, as long as the filenames and folder names contain no spaces.

find /path/to/folderholdinghundredsoffolders/ -name '*.csv' | xargs tail -q -n +11 > output