Recreating a deleted hardlink to a file if I know the inode number

At risk of twisting the rules to nearly the point of breaking (if you think this goes too far mods, I apologise and accept that this should be deleted), I'm hoping someone might be able to cast a little light on the following problem regarding hard links to files.

I don't think that you're breaking the rules with a 2 week bump. Hard links are only possible within a file system. You can't can't make a hard link from one file system into another file system. /proc is a separate file system and you can't create links there at all. An extra link in /proc won't help you anyway. Forget /proc. It goes nowhere.

The only tool with a shot at this is fsdb, but I don't know fsdb well enough to tell you the precise steps. Call this plan A. The general steps I would try are:

1 create some file
2 create an extra link to the file with very bizarre name (more easily found and easy to sure you have the right one)
3 hit the power switch to drop power to the box
4 come up in single user mode and run fsdb
5 edit the directory entry to point to my file
6 edit the inodes to increment and decrement the usuage counts
7 run fsck

And I would practice on a test system before I tried it for real.

If I couldn't get it to work, plan B:

1 drop power
2 ship the disk to a data recovery specialist with experts who can implement plan A.

Yoicks! Probably a little bit extreme for what I need (as I can recover the data from the proc filesystem's filehandle list). Good point about the cross-filesystem thing, that explains why ln isn't going to play ball.

What I guess I'm really looking for is a way to take an inode number (something that still has at least one link to it) and create a 'file' (aka directory entry) on the same filesystem that links to it.

fsdb sounds like something to take a look at, but it also sounds like a great way for me to really fubar a filesystem. Methinks I'll play with it on a lab server :wink:

As an aside, some kernels - BSD is one - have an fhopen call that will open a file based on inode number.

I don't see how that helps since you can read the file via /proc/<pid>/fd. If the filesystem still has the data out there somewhere, can you read the file onto media to rescue it?

I stumbled onto this thread while experiencing a similar problem. A file had been deleted while a process still had it opened.

Use lsof to determine the inode number of the file

install icat (Google icat-sleuthtools)... for ubuntu it's apt-get install sleuthtools

then use icat to copy the file to the new location:

icat -hf ext /dev/xxx <inode> > /path/to/copy.file

-h tells it to skip over any holes in the file (sparse data)
-f ext tells it to use ext2/3

/dev/xxx is the device (NOT THE MOUNTED DIRECTORY!!!)

<inode> is the node returned from lsof

Hope this helps!


That's rather cool, will bookmark :slight_smile: In my case it very similar to the abilities granted via the /proc/<pid>/fd/<filehandle> but being able to refer to inode number directly is a trick I'll be pleased to have in my toolbox! :b:

For the record... that only worked on 2 out of 3 attempts for me... it really depends on whether or not the open process is actively using the file at the time.