Reconfiguring the network

I am a beginner to Solaris. I installed it on a AMD Athlon 2000+, dual booting with XP. When I installed it, I didn't setup the network section and went on to install it without the n/w config. Now I have ethernet access at my school, and wanted to be able to connect to the internet through the ethernet. I tried to do a -


in the hope that it would ask me for the network config when I rebooted, but it didn't. It just asked me for the host name and no other information.

So, my question is - How do I connect to the internet? The IP address assigned to my laptop will be different every time since I will be plugging into different ethernet ports everytime.

Thank You.

you should have a look to these files:


also helpfull:
man ifconfig
man route

write again, if you are unable to configure it yourself...... "learning by doing"

greetings Pre�y